Ready To Get Started In Stock Market Investing?
You Will Learn:
Stock Terminology
Fundamental Analysis of the market
Technical Analysis 101 Basic Market structure to get you going!
Trustworthy Brokerage Firms
Walkthrough of how to open a self managed portfolio
How to properly enter into a buy
When to sell
How to sell
Taxes with stocks investing
If stock investing isn't for you…..then what options are available
and more!
Meet Your Instructor
"I have been investing since 2016!"
I'm a prior banker who became an international finance and business coach. I have helped women all over the world repair their relationships with money and build a business they love. Whether it's learning to budget, save, invest, or build a successful online coaching business I am here to help!
I began helping others learn to budget, save, and invest their money. However, It wasn't until I became a banker, that I gained a true understanding for how serious the financial literacy crisis is within our communities. There are so many people living negative paycheck to negative paycheck. It was at this point that I realized, I can't just preach to people about the importance of investing...when they do not have anything to invest.
Qiana A.
Yes God Bless you girl because the energy and the knowledge was WAYYYYY more than any other stock class I've been in.
Janice A.
First time I've ever understood this much. I would I neeeeed coaching. I absolutely want to improve my relationship with money and understand my finacnes
Kayrol L.
I've taken a 3-day course with online training academy, which was great, but you simplified and I have 10000% better understanding than before. I can invest with intention now instead of following what people say.